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  • Delesign Insider: Mastering the Art of Layering in Design

Delesign Insider: Mastering the Art of Layering in Design

This week's Spotlight: Layer It Up!

🔍The Challenge

Transform a flat, single-layer design into a multi-dimensional masterpiece using at least two of the layering techniques we've explored. Your goal is to create depth and visual interest while maintaining a cohesive overall look.

🎨 Our Approach

  1. Basic Geometric Shapes

  2. Organic Shapes and Lines

  3. Shadows for Emphasis

🎬 See These Techniques in Action!

💡 Design Tip of the Week

Layer with intention, not just for decoration!

When applying layering techniques, ensure each layer serves a purpose. Whether it's guiding the viewer's eye, creating depth, or emphasizing key information.

Design with purpose, Design for impact!