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Delesign Insider: Mastering Shadows and Highlights in Design

This week's Spotlight: Creating Depth with Shadows and Highlights

🔍 The Challenge

Flat designs are out, and depth is in! But how do you add that extra dimension to your work without overcomplicating your designs? This week, we're diving into the world of shadows and highlights to give your creations that professional polish.

🎨 Our Approach

We've compiled 5 simple yet powerful techniques to add depth to your designs:

  1. Drop Shadows: Lift elements off the page

  2. Inner Shadows: Create a sunken-in effect

  3. Highlights: Enhance the 3D feel

  4. Gradient Shadows: Add sophistication with natural fades

  5. Ambient Shadows: Ground elements with soft diffusion

🎬 See These Techniques in Action! 

💡 Design Tip of the Week

Remember, less is often more when it comes to shadows and highlights. Start subtle and build up gradually. The goal is to enhance your design, not overshadow it.

Design with purpose, Design for imapct!